
[. My Music Box .]

[.Black Lacquer Nightshade.]

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Inside Her Music Box, New Jersey, United States

Monday, March 1, 2010

[. Strange Singing Spider .]

Darling, darling.
I have to explain.
The cause of much confusion.
The core of my pain.
Caught in, Caught In.
A web of their lies.
When I made my goodbyes.
I feel lost and paralyzed.
Trying.. Trying..
To catch my wave again
Without being lost again.
Spread my dreams like a fire.
I've lied.
I've lied.
Through I'm much different now.
I'm older.
So much different now.
I'm ready for a change.
Here with my web, I stroke the thread..
And I sing
What am I going to do you with you, stranger?
Oh, my darling.

Oh I, Oh I.
Am left here in the weaving of my paradigm.
My destiny unravels underneath my feet.
Ive been broken and cried.
There's not much left for the picking.
Yet I might have some blood left to bleed.
You're so damn enticing.