
[. My Music Box .]

[.Black Lacquer Nightshade.]

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Inside Her Music Box, New Jersey, United States

Monday, July 6, 2009

[. Waiting .]

I believe. No.

I worry~ there is no love for me.

[When I wrote "believe" I realized.. I still had a little hope.]

"Each time we create a little piece of heaven, it also brings a little more hell on earth."

I don't mean to be vain. I don't at all. But, fuck. I think I'm beautiful and I'm willing to wait for someone who agrees.

I read a few quotes, that made me feel pretty good.

"Love, Lost, Learn"


"Better to have love, and to have lost then to never have love at all."


Dear soulmate,

I don't know who you are, where you live, or what you look like. But I pray for you every night, and I ask for you to be pointed in my direction.
"Then the moth flying in the night sky, searched for her midnight sun. Awaiting for the day the spider would weave her in his web. Under a bed of beaded stars, bleeding their glitter in the morning dew."